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It’s time to finally make meditation a part of your daily life with the help of this “31 Day Meditation Challenge online with Kelly Smith”. The program is being arranged by the Yoga for You along with Kelly Smith to turn your meditation hobby into a meditation habit.
This meditation challenge for 10 Minutes each day for 31 days will help transform the way you look at meditation and create a meditation habit which will fit you. Each day you will have a different guided meditation, meditation practice, or mantra to help you through your daily routine.
Beneficiaries of the program will have a journal to record track of each day, celebrate your wins, and share daily gratitude and inspiration. They will also assist you get to set up with the right meditation position, time of day, and instruction all that you require to get the most of this challenge.
Kelly is known as the founder of Yoga For You and the host for the Mindful in Minutes podcast. She is also an E-RYT 500, YACEP, and a location independent yoga and meditation teacher.
She has also created Yoga For You, which is a location for independent yoga and meditation school to serve students and teachers over the globe that are ready to take the step and find the joyful life which they deserve.
Click here to attain more information about Kelly Smith.
Online Course Costs: $49
Location: Anywhere
Your 31 days online meditation challenge includes the below-mentioned services for you:
- 31 guided meditations/meditation practices (10 minutes daily)
- A short workshop on setting up your meditation practise/preparation for the 31-days
- A PDF of a daily meditation journal to keep you on track
Click here to get to know more details about the online course
TAGS: #meditation #yoga #love #mindfulness #spirituality #healing #peace #spiritual #selflove #motivation #nature #selfcare #life #inspiration #wellness #health #happiness #spiritualawakening #meditate #fitness #mentalhealth #wisdom #soul #positivevibes #consciousness #gratitude #meandmetime