Influence 101: Liberating your Desire and the Power to Ask with Kasia Urbaniak

Kasia Urbaniak
by Kasia Urbaniak

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Online Courses




Are you an Independent Woman, but exhausted, resentful as hell and tired of having to get everything all by yourself? If yes, then this “Influence 101: Liberating your Desire and the Power to Ask with Kasia Urbaniak” is exactly for you to help you with over 30 practical tools, techniques and strategies for expanding your imagination.


The Cooourse includes over 60 videos and 30 practical assignments and become the first and only online course which redefines a woman’s relationship to power, asking and hearing no. Thw course contains the first and most important steps towards energy and influence in your world and the world: being able to identify a desire and ask for it, then handle no or resistance with grace.

Kasia Urbaniak is known as the founder and CEO of The Academy, a school that teaches women the foundations of power and influence. She has also taught hundreds of women practical tools to step into leadership positions in their relationships, families, workplaces, and wider communities.

She has spoken at several corporations and conferencesover  the globe. She has aslo transformed their lives by breaking the yoke of cultural “good girl” conditioning and her students become adept in the art of verbal self-defence against mansplaining, interrupting, gaslighting, and other attacks on their authority.

Click here, to know more about Kasia Urbaniak


Online Course Costs: One-time Payment: $695
                                       Monthly Payments: $250 x 3

Location: Anywhere


In this online course, you will get to explore:

  • What asking has to do with influence and how to become a woman who can ask freely, in a full-bodied way, and make compelling invitation to win her support and respect. 
  • What Good Girl Conditioning is, such as the extent to which it may be stopping you from exercising your innate agency and influence and how to break yourself out of Good Girl  Jail.
  • How to coax out true desires that Good Girl Conditioning works to keep hidden from you, and ground them in legitimacy so you can prepare to make difficult or status-quo-shifting asks.
  • Over 30 practical tools, techniques and strategies for expanding your imagination around asking, hearing Yes or No, and preparing to invite, influence and receive authentic and effective ways.

Click here to know more information about the online course


TAGS: #women #positivity #dream #vision #passion #achievement #beauty #womenempowerment #girls #style #girl #woman #beautiful #lifestyle #womensupportingwomen #emandmetime


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