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To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://www.kasiaurbaniak.com/keys-to-power-free-videos →

It is also equally essential to set yourself up so you can navigate uncomfortable questions and get off the spot with grace through attending the mesmerizing “The Keys to Power with Kasia Urbaniak” which is an online course to explore the three tools to be more powerful.
These online course videos will introduce you to three tools that Kasia wants every woman on earth to master such as how to ask powerfully for what you wish to; navigate hearing no, and to get off the spot when under pressure.
Kasia Urbaniak wants to strength the women and let them provide the real power to live their lives to the fullest. She wants to change their lives or change their world, as they will need to play powerfully in the land.
Kasia Urbaniak is known as the founder and CEO of The Academy, a school who teaches women the foundations of power and influence. Kasia has led hundreds of women practical tools to step into leadership positions in their relationships, families, workplaces, and wider communities. She has spoken at corporations and conferences worldwide since founding The Academy.
To know more about Kasia Urbaniak click here
Online Course Costs: Free
Location: Anywhere
Three Free Video Lessons includes:
- The Asking Practice – All study at The Academy begins with The Asking Practice. Asking is the starting point of influence. Expand the range of what you can ask for with total legitimacy is the first key to power, I want every woman to master.
- Playing with ‘No’ – But here’s the thing: if you only ever ask for what we feel we could get a yes to, we never have a chance to explore new territory. So if you want to change your lives or change the world, we will need to play powerfully in the land of ‘No.’
- Getting Off the Spot – As important as it is to play with someone else’s ‘no,’ it’s equally important to set yourself up so you can navigate uncomfortable questions and get off the spot with grace.
Click here to explore more details about the event
Tags: #power, #asking, #influence, #woman #women #fashion #love #men #beauty #womenempowerment #girls #woman #beautiful #lifestyle #life #like #fitness #womensupportingwomen #meandmetime