Practicing the Dharma in the World Today

Heartwood Refuge
by Heartwood Refuge

Date And Time

2021-04-07 @ 03:00 PM (EST) to 2021-04-12 @ 11:00 AM (EST)

Event Types

Face-to-Face Events


159 Osceola Rd Hendersonville, NC 28739, Anywhere


Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

To register for this event please visit the following URL:



Enjoy sitting, walking and eating meditation with a period of mindful communication by joining the “Practicing the Dharma in the World Today” arranged by Heartwood Refuge with Rev Robert Brumet. Insight meditation will involve moment-by-moment awareness of the body-mind processes.


When this practice will be integrated into our daily life, it awakens us from the trance of the ego-dominated personality. Along with daily routine, meditation retreats strengthen our awareness of our true nature and free us of old patterns of thinking and behaving.

This face to face event will be schedule form 7th of April 2021 at 03:00 pm to 12th of April 2021 at 11:00 am. The location where the program will be held is 159 Osceola Rd Hendersonville, NC 28739, Anywhere, Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center.

Rev Robert Brumet holds his name as a former Chairman of Pastoral Studies at Unity Institute. He taught courses in pastoral care, spiritual counseling, transpersonal psychology, prayer and meditation. He is the author of four books: the award-winning Finding Yourself in Transition, The Quest for Wholeness, Birthing a Greater Reality, and Living Originally, all published by Unity


Opens: 2021-04-07 @ 03:00 PM (EDT) to 2021-04-12 @ 11:00 AM (EDT)

Event Costs: $502.00 – Residential Stay
Plus dana (provided at the end of the retreat) to the teacher and Heartwood. You can read more information about this practice of dana here.

$258.75 – Commuter Option
Plus dana (provided at the end of the retreat) to the teacher and Heartwood. You can read more information about this practice of dana here.

Location: 159 Osceola Rd Hendersonville, NC 28739, Anywhere, Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center


This retreat will provide your experience of sitting, eating, and walking meditation with a period of mindful communication. Instruction, dharma talks, and teacher conferences will be given to you throughout this retreat. To maintain continuous awareness of the body in all daily activities will be emphasized.


TAGS: #dharma #mindful #retreat #soul #peace #meditation


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