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Feeling like you are stuck in your sequencing and want to spice it up? Then, here an interesting option is waiting for you! Get yourself introduce to the amazing “Sequence Yoga Classes like a Boss with Kelly Smith” organized by Yoga For You. This course is for people who are being tired of spending hours on planning their yoga classes and waiting for inspiration for themes and ideas for just a few hours a week of teaching.
In this online course, the attendants will help you become a master at sequencing yoga classes and learn how to spend less time planning, more time teaching, and how to create amazing courses. SYCLAB will help you transform the way you plan, sequence, and execute your yoga classes.
This course is worth four non-contact hours from Yoga Alliance and has over 150 ideas for class themes, plans, flows, and other ideas to assist you keep your students happy and your creativity and inspiration flowing forwards.
Kelly is known as the founder of Yoga For You and the host for the Mindful in Minutes podcast. She is also an E-RYT 500, YACEP, and an independent location yoga and meditation teacher.
She has also created Yoga For You, which is a location for independent yoga and meditation school to serve students and teachers over the globe that are ready to take the step and find the joyful life which they deserve.
Click here to attain more information about Kelly Smith.
Online Course Costs: $97
Location: Anywhere
This online course includes the below services for the attendants:
- The sequencing like a boss master class
- Course workbook
- Five bonus videos of sequencing samples
- Bonus PDF of a blank sequencing template, three free class plans, and theme ideas
- Four non-contact hours with Yoga Alliance
- Access to the closed YFY Crew group
Click here to know details about the online course
TAGS: #yoga #fitness #meditation #yogapractice #yogainspiration #love #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #yogateacher #mindfulness #yogalove #namaste #yogaeveryday #motivation #health #wellness #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #healthylifestyle #yogini #yogapose #fitnessmotivation #healing #meandmetime