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To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://theacademyofpower.com/verbal-self-defense-module-1/self-defense-join/verbal-self-defense-join/?_ga=2.4008304.1702698558.1598467106-513777005.1598268518 →

If you have ever stepped into a scenario ready to ask for something you wanted, but walked away with something entirely different or ever entered a conversation wanting an apology, only to wind up apologizing? Then, “Verbal Self-Defense Dojo: An Online Training with Kasia Urbaniak” is going to help you out. This program contains the foundational principles of power dynamics and makes a great companion to any of Kasia’s in-person or live classes.
This online event course is an experiential, interactive tool that will train you to fight back when you’re under attack. In these four practice-filled modules, learn a series of simple, practical steps to apply when you’re challenged or undermined.
Verbal Self-Defense Dojo is entirely practice-based. Kasia will help you walk through real-life scenarios and assist you train to have a greater range of automatic responses. This course introduces women to overcome the common experience of “freeze” that shuts women down in critical moments, leaving them speechless.
Kasia Urbaniak is known as the founder and CEO of The Academy, a school who teaches women the foundations of power and influence. She has led hundreds of women practical tools to step into leadership positions in their relationships, families, workplaces, and wider communities. She has spoken at corporations and conferences worldwide since founding The Academy.
Click here to know more about Kasia Urbaniak
Event Costs: Single payment of $197.00 and monthly payments of $39.97 or $59.95
Location: Anywhere
This online event will help you learn:
- Get yourself off the spot – Women who have been conditioned to freeze or shut down at the very moments that are most crucial to our self-preservation. Learn the shockingly easy way to end that pattern forever.
- Handle uncomfortable questions powerfully – There is no reason to answer questions you should never be asked in the first place! Explore tools to smoothly deflect or reject those inappropriate, prying, and otherwise thorny questions.
- Cut through ambiguity – Learn strategies to discern the intent behind an uncomfortable question or statement. Know whether you’re dealing with an aggressor or a well-meaning klutz and deal with them accordingly.
- Respond with the right intensity – Never bring a knife to a gunfight. Learnhow to modulate the intensity of your response based on the power of the challenge or attack.
- Flip the power dynamic – Learn techniques to free yourself from uncomfortable or inappropriate situations without appearing aggressive or shutting down.
Click here to know more about the online event
Tags: #Verbal, #Selfdefense, #Training, #Powerful, #Harassment, #Fightback, #Kasiaurbaniak #selfdefence #selfdefense #training #boxing #kungfu #karate #kickboxing #fight #wingchun #martialart #fighting #combat #combatives #martialartstraining #martialartist #grappling #difesapersonale #budo #meandmetime