Anodea Judith
Inspirational Speaker, Chakra System Teacher & Best-Selling Author
- Expertise : Chakras, Spiritual teacher, Spirituality
- Languages : english
- Website : https://anodeajudith.com/
ANODEA JUDITH is a famous American author, teacher, healer, and public speaker on the chakra system, body-mind, somatic therapy and yoga. She completed her master and doctoral education in psychology and health.
Anodea is the author or co-author of many books on various aspects of healing, psychology, spirituality, social change and yoga. Her books have earned immense international popularity and can be found in up to 18 languages. She has won several prestigious awards for her writing work. Her book Global Heart: Humanity’s Rite of Passage from the Love of Power to the Power of Love won Nautilus Book Award Best Book of the year for Social Change and Independent Publisher Award Silver Medal for Mind/ Body Spirit in 2007.
Moreover, she is regarded as one of the country’s foremost experts on chakra combinations and therapeutic issues and the interpretation of the Chakra System for the Western lifestyle. She facilities life-changing workshops at holistic retreat centres, yoga studios, Neo-Pagan and New Age events and training institutes around the world.
Anodea also serves as a faculty member of the Shift Network, Kripalu Yoga Center, New York Open Center, Omega, and many other retreat centres and yoga studios. So far, her work has changed the lives of many people.
EVENTS by Anodea Judith
COURSES by Anodea Judith
Anodea offers a range of different core classes:
- Seven Windows to the Soul: AKA Chakra Awakening
- Psychology of the Chakras
- Creating on Purpose: Manifesting Through the Chakras
- Anodea Judith’s Chakra Yoga Teacher Training
- Intro to Chakra Therapy
- Mind-Body Integration: AKA Chakra Therapy 1 – Level 1
- Chakra Energetics: Into the Subtle Realm
- Change your Beliefs: Clear Your Subconscious Patterns and Liberate Your Mind
- Exploring Psyche & Soma: Creative & Healing States of Consciousness
- Online Therapy Practicum
- Guiding the Journey: Facilitating Transformative Experiences
- Mind-Body Chakra Therapy: Level 2
- Chakra Healing: Home Learning Course
- 7 Levels of Intimacy
- 7 Keys to Transformation: 8-Module Course
- Creating on Purpose: Home Learning Course
- Tools for Conscious Evolution: Evolutionary Bundle
- Chakra Yoga – Dancing up the Spine (4 hr workshop)
- Charge and the Energy Body
- Creating on Purpose
- Global Heart Presentation
- Illuminated Chakras Evening
Find detailed information here
Online Courses:
- From Crisis to Awakening: Navigating Trying Times to Awaken the Evolutionary Leader Within
- Morning Chakra Energy Tune-Ups
- Architecture of the Soul: Exploring the Chakras through Yoga and Psychology
- The Charge Mastery Program
- Chakra Healing Quest
- Chakras Made Easy
- Supercharge Your Chakras
- The Character Type Training
- Creating on Purpose
- Tools for Conscious Evolution
- Healthy Chakra Tune-Up
- Who Do You Think You Are?
- Optimal Health for your Body & Soul
- Morning Chakra Energy Tune-Ups
- Charge & Character Structure
- Charging & Discharging Your Chakras
- Rebalancing Your Chakras: Dancing Up the Spine
- Chakra Yoga Practice
- Understanding the Chakras
- Chakra Psychology Videos
- Chakra Teacher Discussion Videos
- The Diet Dilemma
- Doctoring Your Chakras
Find information about the mini-courses here
Free Courses & Resources:
- Chakra Healing Master Class
- 7 Steps To Manifesting Your True Purpose
- Supercharge your Chakra Practice
- Healing The Mind-Body Split
- Start Diagnosing Your Chakras
- Freeing your Energy Body from Early Family Conditioning
- Grow Your Love
- The Illuminated Chakras
- The Global Heart Awakens
- Love Powered Evolutionary
- Manifesting a Dream
- Chakra Evening Meditation
- 7 Keys to Transformation
- What is chakra therapy?
Find more information about free courses here
BOOKS by Anodea Judith
- Chakras – Wheels of Life
- Eastern Body, Western Mind
- Chakra yoga
- Awakening Through The Chakras (One Spirit And Sounds True Present)
- Wheels of Life: User’s Guide to the Chakra System: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn’s New Age Series)
- Creating on Purpose: The Spiritual Technology of Manifesting Through the Chakras
- Chakras: The Pathways to Success
- The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body and Spirit Through the Chakras
- Chakras: Seven Keys to Awakening and Healing the Energy Body
- A Beginner’s Guide to the Chakras: How to Work with Your Body’s Seven Energy Centers for Health and Well-Being
- The Big Book of Chakras and Chakra Healing: How to Unlock Your Seven Energy Centers for Healing, Happiness, and Transformation (Weiser Big Book)
- Chakra Balancing: A Guide to Healing and Awakening Your Energy Body
- Goddess Power: Awakening the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine in Your Life (Feminine Energy Book, Women Empowerment, Sacred Woman, for Fans of Warrior Goddess)
- Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self
- Power of Chakras: Unlock Your 7 Energy Centers for Healing, Happiness, and Transformation
- Waking the Global Heart
- The Truth About Chakras (Llewellyn truth about series)
- The Chakra System: A Complete Course in Self-Diagnosis and Healing
- The Illuminated Chakras: A Visionary Voyage into Your Inner World
- Charge and the Energy Body: The Vital Key to Healing Your Life, Your Chakras, and Your Relationships
- Chakra Awakening: Seven Sun Salutations to Activate Your Energy Centers
- Chakra Balancing by Anodea Judith
- The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body and Spirit Through the Chakras by Anodea Judith Selene Vega
- The New Guide Of Chakras
- The Global Heart Awakens: Humanity’S Rite of Passage from the Love of Power to the Power of Love
Find more about her books and new releases here.