Daniel Pinchbeck
Philosopher and Author
- Expertise : Author, Philosopher
- Languages : english
- Website : http://www.pinchbeck.io/
DANIEL PINCHBECK is a philosopher and author. He has written many books including Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism (Broadway Books, 2002), 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, and Notes from the Edge Times (Tarcher/Penguin, 2010). Daniel’s father was an abstract painter, and his mother was a writer and editor.
Daniel essays and articles have been featured in many publications including The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Rolling Stone, ArtForum, The New York Times Book Review, The Village Voice and many other publications. He writes columns for Conscious Living and Dazed & Confused. Joao Amorim and Mangusta Films made and produced a documentary on the life and work of Daniel Pinchbeck. With the support of Ken Jordan, Michael Robinson, and Talat Phillips in 2007, Daniel launched the web magazine Reality Sandwich and co-founded Evolver.net.
Daniel has also worked as editor and publisher for a time. He also serves as a speaker and has attended many conferences around the world including DazedFest in London, Horizons in New York, Breaking Convention in London, Distortion in Copenhagen, La Callaca TedX in San Miguel del Allende, the World Psychedelic Forum in Basel, and Summit Series in Utah. He has given many interviews on various platforms such as Coast to Coast AM, The History Channel, Whitley Strieber’s Unknown Country, BrandX with Russell Brand, Interview Magazine, Purple, etc.
Daniel has also written introduction for several books consisting of “The Psychedelic Experience” by Timothy Leary and “The Joyous Cosmology” by Alan Watts. He has written catalogues for art exhibitions. Furthermore, he hosted a talk show named “Mind Shift” on GaiamTV. This show was focused on the evolution of technology and spirituality, and our potential for the future. From Costa Rica, from the Amazon, he has co-hosted retreats for people who have been underrepresented. Daniel is married to Jana Astanov.
BLOGS by Daniel Pinchbeck
- Reporting on Climate Change Is Harmful if You’re Not Offering Solutions
- A Journey of the Mind and Soul
ESSAYS and ARTICLES by Daniel Pinchbeck
- Introducing When Plants Dream!, September 2019,
- The Monsanto Act, Reality Sandwich, March 2013
- The End of Nature and the Birth of the Supra-organism, Reality Sandwich, Feb 2013
- The End of the Beginning, Reality Sandwich, Dec 2012
- Eros Unredeemed, Reality Sandwich, May 2012
- Planetary Initiation, Reality Sandwich, Nov 2012
- Answer to Henry Baum, Reality Sandwich, March 2012
- Global Revolution Underway, Reality Sandwich, Oct 2011
- Beyond Ecological stewardship: Toward a new planetary culture, RSF Quarterly, Summer 2011
- Business Shamanism, Reality Sandwich, Dec 2010
- Guest Blog on Powell’s Books, Reality Sandwich, Nov 2010
- My Personal Journey into the Evolver Social Movement, Reality Sandwich, Sep 2010
- The Gulf Oil Spill as the Unfolding of Prophecy, Reality Sandwich, June 2010
- The War for Control of the Story, Reality Sandwich, May 2010
- The End of Money, Fifth Estate, 2008
- Going Global, Artforum, 2003
- Heat of the moment: The art and culture of Burning Man, Artforum, 2003
- Ten Years Of Therapy In One Night, The Guardian, 2003
- Wheat Graffiti, Wired, 2002
- Prince at Greene: Daniel Pinchbeck on Peter Pinchbeck, Artforum, 2002
- Berlin Blitz, Harper’s Bazaar, 2001
- The Fire This Time, Rolling Stone, 2000
- Breath Trip, The Village Voice, 1999
- BOOKEND; Cast Your Magazine Upon the Waters, The New York Times, 1998
- Listening to Acid, The Village Voice, 1998
- My Journey Down the Rope of Death, The Village Voice, 1998
- Hey mister, can you dunk?, Esquire, 1997
BOOKS by Daniel Pinchbeck
- Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism 0767907434 Book Cover
- 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl
- How Soon is Now: From Personal Initiation to Global Transformation
- When Plants Dream: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Shamanism and the Global Psychedelic Renaissance
- Notes from the Edge Times
- The Occult Control System
- Toward 2012: Perspectives on the Next Age
- Open City 14
- 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy
- Mystery of 2012
- Reality 2.0: Shamans, Psychedelics, and the Next Step in Evolution
- How Soon Is Now? The Handbook for Global Change
- 2012? Predictions, Prophecies & Possibilities
To read all the books of Daniel Pinchbeck, please click here.