Lars Muhl
Danish writer, Mystic and Musician
- Expertise : Musician, Mystic, Writer
- Languages : english danish
- Website : https://www.larsmuhl.dk/en/
LARS MUHL is a successful Danish writer, mystic and musician who lives in Aarhus, Denmark. He served as a singer-songwriter in Denmark for a time. He has written several wonderful books on subjects such as Aramaic, Christian and Jewish mysticism. He leads workshops and lectures in Denmark and around the world. Lars started his writing career in 1965-66 when he used to write as a free-lance journalist for the former regional newspaper Aarhus Amtstidende.
In 1993, he debuted as an author with his book named “memoirs Sjæl i Flammer” and since then, he has given several amazing books to the world. In Memoirs Sjæl i Flammer, he has explained how his childhood was marked by his sister’s early death and how that incident became the triggering factor in generating an extraordinary ability in him. This ability enables him to feel other people’s pain as well as perceive hidden aspects of life. Soon Afterward, Lars became an active musician in 1966 and since then, he has been associated with rock bands Daisy and Warm Guns but also worked for other musicians and as a solo artist as well.
He lives with his wife in Denmark. With his wife, he is conducting healing concerts and they have also launched Gilalai which is a centre for healing and mysticism and a publishing company. Moreover, Lars and Githa have designed the free spiritual video channel called Cosmoporta.net.
EVENTS by Lars Muhl
BOOKS by Lars Muhl
- The Wisdom of a Broken Heart: The Gospel of Yeshua & Mariam
- The Gate of Light: Healing Practices to Connect You to Source Energy
- The Magdalene: Volume II of the O Manuscript
- The Grail: The O Manuscript
- The Grail: Volume 3 of The O Manuscript: The Scandinavian Bestseller
- The Law of Light: The Secret Teachings of Jesus
- The Seer