Patrick Holford
British Author and Entrepreneur
- Expertise : Author, Entrepreneur
- Languages : english
- Website : https://www.patrickholford.com/
PATRICK HOLFORD holds his name as a British author and entrepreneur who works to endorses a range of controversial vitamin tablets. In addition as an advocate of alternative nutrition and diet methods, he appears on television and radio within the UK and abroad. Patrick has 36 books in print in 29 languages. His business career explores a wide variety of alternative medical approaches such as orthomolecular medicine, which are also considered pseudoscientific by mainstream science and medicine.
Patrick Holford, BSc, DipION, FBANT, NTCRP, is also known as a pioneer in new health and nutrition approaches. He is a leading spokesman on the topic of nutrition in the media, specializing in the field related to mental health. He is also known as the author of 37 books, which are also translated into more than 30 languages and sells millions of copies worldwide, that includes the Optimum Nutrition Bible, Optimum Nutrition for the Mind, the Low GL-Diet Bible, 10 Secrets of Healthy Ageing, and Good Medicine and the 10 Secrets of 100% Healthy People. Holford’s HIV and autism claims are not in line with modern medical thought and have been criticized for putting people in danger and damaging public health.
Patrick is known as one of the main supporters of the hypothesis that means there is a potential link in some susceptible children between the MMR vaccine and the development of autism-like symptoms. That means this is against the overwhelming opposition to the hypothesis by members of the scientific community. The scientific community has discredited the Wakefield et al. paper upon which this hypothesis was based, and from which 10 of the 12 co-authors have formally retracted the paper. Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the UK National Health Service, the Cochrane Library, and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences review have concluded that there is no evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine-autism.
Events by Patrick
- The Stress Cure: How to Beat Anxiety
- How to be a Healthy Vegan
- How to lose weight healthily and reset
- The 5 Day Diet Retreat
- Total Health Transformation Retreat
Click here to know more events
Books by Patrick
- The Family Nutrition Workbook
- The Whole Health Manual: Comprehensive Guide to Nutrition and Better Health
- The Better Pregnancy Diet: The Definitive Guide to Having a Healthy Baby
- The Optimum Nutrition Bible
- Say No to Heart Disease
- Boost Your Immune System
- Balancing Hormones Naturally
- 30-Day Fatburner Diet
- 100% Health
- Beat Stress and Fatigue
- Say No to Cancer
- The Optimum Nutrition Cookbook
- Improve Your Digestion
- Say No to Arthritis
- Supplements for Superhealth
- Solve Your Skin Problems
- Six Weeks to Superhealth
- Optimum Nutrition for the Mind
- Natural Highs: Chill – 25 Ways to Stay Relaxed and Beat Stress
- Natural Highs: Energy – 25 Ways to Increase Your Energy
- The H Factor – Homocysteine – the biggest breakthrough of the century
- Boost Your Child’s Immune System
- 500 Health and Nutrition Questions Answered
- New Optimum Nutrition Bible
- Optimum Nutrition Before, During and After Pregnancy
- The Alzheimer’s Prevention Plan
Click here to get more books by Patrick