Sophie Bashford
A writer, intuitive practitioner, retreat creator and divine feminine ambassador
- Expertise : Teacher, Writer
- Languages : english
- Website : https://www.sophiebashford.com/
SOPHIE BASHFORD is known as a leading intuitive channel, teacher, and writer for the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine. She handles all the leading sell-out workshops for Alternatives and Mind Body Spirit in London, and also attracts people from all over the globe to her Healing Tent Retreats and private intuitive practice.
Sophie is an author, intuitive practitioner & retreat creator – devoted to helping you deliver your (so-long-buried) feminine light to the world. She will help you to live a life that feels like you. Bashford believes that you’re an intuitive, wise, and infinitely creative being – and you have soul-memory of just how powerful deep feminine energy is.
She is passionate about unlocking your intuitive power and works to create high-vibration, intensive-healing spaces for such people who are drawn to remembering Sacred Feminine Energy: an ancient, deep-dwelling part of humanity and earth that has been long-suppressed.
When you work with her, you’ll be getting over 20 years of her therapeutic experience, and the benefit of her ‘front-line’ journey of awakening the goddess within. She will put her hand on your heart (daily, actually!) and promise you: She has walked every step of my talk, and found herself plunged into the real, daily life-lessons from the Sacred Feminine curriculum – long before ‘the goddess’ became cool.
Retreats by Sophie
- The Healing Tents
- Avalon Priestess
Books by Sophie Bashford
- The goddess has returned. Will you hear the call?
- You Are a Goddess
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