80 Experts in USA

Koya Webb

Koya Webb

Yoga teacher, Celebrity holistic health coach, & Founder of Get Loved Up


KOYA WEBB is a renowned an internationally recognized yoga teacher, celebrity holistic health coach, author, speaker, and vegan activist. Her […]


Chris Germer

Psychologist, Author, and Teacher of Mindfulness and Compassion


CHRIS GERMER is a psychologist, meditation practitioner and author. He is currently working as a lecturer on psychiatry at Harvard […]


James Van Praagh

Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Author


JAMES VAN PRAAGH is considered a pioneer in the field of mediumship and included in the top spiritual teachers working […]

Alia Sobel

Yoga Instructor, Mentor & Creator of Two Word Story

ALIA SOBEL is a mom, a yoga instructor, a mentor, a blogger, a business owner, and above all else, the […]


Joseph Mauricio

Meditation coach, Life coach, Buddhist teacher & Founder of Lifework Services


JOSEPH MAURICIO is a renowned teacher, speaker, and a wonderful coach leading helpful motivational and meditation workshops in academic, business, […]

Chungliang "Al" Huang

Chungliang "Al" Huang

Philosopher, Dancer, Performing Artist

CHUNGLIANG “AI” HUANG is a well-known notable philosopher, dancer, performing artist. He is also known as an internationally acclaimed taijiquan […]



American spiritual teacher and also the author from the San Francisco Bay Area

ADYASHANTI is a well-known American spiritual teacher and also the author from the San Francisco Bay Area. He offers talks, […]

Laura Day

Laura Day

Author of several self-help books, focusing on intuition

LAURA DAY holds her name as the author of several self-help books, focusing on intuition. She also offers financial advice […]

Yasmin Boland

Yasmin Boland

Astrologer, Moonologer & Best-Selling Author


YASMIN BOLAND is known as a renowned astrologer, a moonologer, and a best-selling author at Hay House. The books by her […]

John Lockley

John Keith Kelly Lockley 

A white South African who is initiated as an igqirha, & a traditional healer

JOHN KEITH KELLY LOCKEY is a well-known white South African who is initiated as an igqirha, which means a traditional […]

Ken Cohen M.A

Ken Cohen M.A

Qigong grandmaster from Colorado with 50 years’ experience

KEN COHEN M.A is a well-known renowned qigong grandmaster from Colorado with 50 years’ experience. The first person to teach […]